We need to protect or even improve our environment for a more healthy and pleasant life. We also need clean air and water for ourselves and future generations. For such common goals, Art Abrasives is proud to go further in the industry and continue to work our best endeavor for a more sustainable environment.
Laws, Regulations & Responsibility
Our two production facilities are built and equipped according to the required environmental laws and regulations. During operation, air generated from fusing furnaces is sent to cooling and purifying systems where dusts are collected and removed before disposing outside of the facilities. Recycled water is used for the entire circulation cooling system, and the return heat is further used in the dormitory and office. With these waste management measures, we keep our business accountable to the neighbours around our production facilities, as well as the clean environment that we share.
Reuse & Use Less Packaging Materials
We reuse the packaging bags for transporting crude materials between the two facilities. We also aim to minimize packaging materials for our products. For example, one of our standard big bag only weights 3 Kg but can load up to 1,000 Kg of products. Another standard small bags are mostly made of recycled papers. We also encourage our customers to take as little packaging materials as possible and impose extra surcharges beyond the minimal-required packaging. By working together with our customers, we minimize resource consumption to conserve the environment.
Consume Less Energy
It is our long term task to improve all operations at the production facilities and to introduce all possible measures in order to increase energy efficiency through using less energy to produce the same product. Our R&D and production teams have set energy saving goals and objectives, upon which regular reports are delivered and reviewed.
Environmental Assessments and Audits
Environmental assessments and audits are performed periodically by reputable international firms. Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 is certified by SGS UK (Certificate No. CN13/20419).